I feel so much better now! =D Even though I didn't get to do anything today, I just feel so relieved right now. Clara, Jenna, and Tiffy really know what to say and do to make me feel better. ^-^ Thanks guys! I'm no longer worried about it anymore. =P
Saturday, September 21, 2002
I know exactly how you feel Tiggy. You know, you should really get some more sleep. I remembered my Junior year was my worst year. Don't stress yourself out too much. Remember, health comes first. IB History just killed me last year. Oh yeah, if it helps you feel better, the bright side of taking AP or IB classes is that you get a .5 added to your GPA. Neat, huh? =D
Anyways, since we're talking about grades, let me just tell you what I got on my Cal quiz. A 35/45. Yeah, that's a C. I hate math now. SHE SUCKS AT THE TEACHING! Okay, I'm done.
Friday, September 20, 2002
Aw. I feel like crap. This whole week has been horrible. You know what? It's sad to think that I thought my hightlight of this week was going to be me getting a haircut (and I didn't even get to do THAT). Lets see, my brother has been in a pissy mood (he won't even let me go with everyone else to GER's place tomorrow). The only person I can talk to without getting all down or bummed out with is Hana. I think Leadership really brought us closer together. Ugh, too much going on in my mind, but I'm scared to blog it here. I feel so lonely. I wish Kp was here. We always would talk and make jokes (or make fun of other people =P) when we were at home. I thought it would be fun having the house to yourself everyday...but no. Plus, I don't talk to any of my friends anymore, and the only friends I talk to are the ones I usually chat with on aim. I don't know...it seems like I get more depressed (if that's what it is) when I talk to certain people on the phone nowadays. I thought that maybe it would get better towards the end of this week, but it didn't. Everyone's going to be gone this weekend, and Clara's grounded. =(
Also, I want to plan something and hope that for once it doesn't turn into a disaster.
Oh yeah, I would like to thank Hana and especially Tiffany for cheering me up all the time, and helping me take my mind off of some things. It REALLY helped.
I want to cry...
BTW......."guys are such dorks." =P Hehe.
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Ouch, I'm sorry to hear about that, I wish I could have been of some help, unfortunately i had no car anyway -_-. If you need something like this, and I'm around, don't hesistate to give me a call. Oh and, you're not stupid....... you're Advanced!
What a night... -__-
Tonight was suppose to be fun, but it turned into a disaster. Clara called me telling me that Jenna asked me to come to her game at 7 (I wish I knew ahead of time _-_) to watch her do her cheerleading thing. Well, Ek, Clara, and Tiggy ended up coming along too. Piggy walked there and waited forever while I went to go get Clara and Ek. Well, we got dropped off at the wrong school. Ack. Anyways, Clara told her parents that she would be back home by 8:30 (I left around 7:40 btw) so I got worried about her getting grounded. You see, we didn't get to the school until after 8:30. I got yelled at by Pakman, Pakman got yelled at by my dad, and Clara got yelled at by her parents. Some night, huh? The thing that worried me the most was Clara telling her parents that she was coming home RIGHT NOW every time she called, when we were all really going to Piggy's house. It's okay to tell the truth sometimes cause then I start worrying more thinking "oh no! Clara just told her parents that she's coming home right now so I have to get her home ASAP! OMG! I have no way of getting home myself though! AHHH!" Sorry about everything, guys. It was suppose to be fun. I guess it's not a good idea to go out on a school night. I'll make it up to you somehow, kay? Ok, I'm out. Nighty.
~Stupid Sushi
Aiya...I haven't done anything exciting lately. Man, it's not even 6 yet, and I already finished my homework. In fact, I finished some of my homework that's due on Monday. o_O Yeah, I have nothing else to do. Lets see, I don't watch TV anymore, I don't use the computer as much, and I don't talk to any of my friends anymore. I haven't been calling/seeing David at all lately. I guess I want to let him catch up on his school stuff. Hmm...I wanna do something this weekend. Anything but studying. I had enough of that. It's all I've been doing. Boring. Yup.
I have to get something off my chest. If I don't say it, I feel like I'm gonna explode. Sorry guys, but I hope you understand. I think other girls can relate to my problem though. Anyways, I want other guys to stop touching me!!! I hate it when they get real close to me. I wish they wouldn't put their arm around me. I don't like them rubbing my back or arm with their hand. Sometimes, I just wanna draw a big circle around me that no one else can cross over. I need room to breathe dag nammit! Oh yeah, and stop writing me those stupid poems! They SUCK! "Roses are red. Violets are blue. Blah blah blah." won't win me over! Yeah, someone actually tried that one on me in Computer Graphics class today, and thought it was "tight". Sad, doncha think? Sigh...I can't stand some people sometimes. =(
Oh yeah! Tomorrow's Friday. Meowage. =D
Monday, September 16, 2002
tiggs.. indeed that was gold
Sushi, yes leave none alive, kill them all take no prisoners! >=D
hmm speaking of watermelon i just had some tonight, it sure was sweet. mmm i want more.. but i'm too lazy to get it, anyway yeah my feet hurt, woop dee doo.
Hehe watermelon. =D~
Wow. Freshmens sure are irresponsible. Anyone running for the Freshmen elections should've turned in their speeches to Mr.Hiatt, Ashleigh, or me by Friday, but noooooo I had to track them down individually making stupid annoucements (which I REALLY hate doing!) in the cafeteria and making phonecalls at home. Grrr. They all need to DIE!!! So much work to get done today, and tomorrow's the class elections. Anyways, other than that today was an okay day. I mean, I didn't really do anything special other than leadership crap (which isn't so bad anymore now that I'm getting use to it). =D
Okay, I need to "art" some homework now.
Sunday, September 15, 2002
![]() You are most like Canti! |
Formerly a Medical Mechanica robot, now servant for the Nandabas. You don't talk much, but you can use your TV-like head to communicate. Kamon calls you "Terebi-kun," Mamimi thinks you're a god, and everyone uses you to do chores and run errands. You're always there to defend your friends by eating Naota and using him as ammunition against the mechas that pop out of his head. You're too sweet... stop letting people take advantage of you!
Oh yeah, I finally took the quiz. -__-
Piggy: shush you! I'll art my site whenever I feel like it! =P
Ahhh, I just woke up. Anyways, let me talk about yesterday. I went to Springfield mall with Tiffy to shop for her mom's birthday present. We saw Aku and Christina at the arcade! Well, we dragged Christina along with us to many different stores. Ack. So much walking in those painful shoes of mine. >_< Well, we found the perfect present when we got to Macy's! A gold (gold plate?) necklace with emerald and little diamonds. Very pretty. We got it because the emeralds looked like jades so we split the money and got it for $30 (it was 50% off). It was so much fun! I got a chance to talk to Christina and Tiff about a lot of stuff. Hehe, Christina sprayed some perfume on the counter by accident. Afterwards, Tiffany's mom came to pick up Tiff and me, and we all went to a very nice Thai restaurant. We were planning on going to Old Town and walk around, but it started raining so we went back to Tiff's house. It was so much fun hanging out with Tiffy! At home, she did my makeup for me! Whee! We talked some more, and then Bounma and everyone else came home. We had a lot of laughs just telling stories and talking about our past scams. >=D I think later today we're all gonna go ice skating! Tell me if you wanna come along and I'll tell Pakman, kay? Okay, I'm out.
~Super "Slow" Sushi