we're waaaaaaaaaaiting........ :D
Saturday, May 25, 2002
Friday, May 24, 2002
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Hmmm...I like the blue that Leo chose. =P I think I'm gonna havta stick with the orange though. Yup. Lazy. Anyway, I have to get back to my reading and studying...soo...I leave you with...cheese. Yes, cheese and Canada.
Psst...Leo, join the team first. ^_~ Check your email *hint hint*
i signed up for blogger.. and now i can post on sushis blog thingie.. wheeee ^_^
hmmm i dunno what to write but u can read up on my in my LJ at www.livejournal.com/users/spflipten.
hehe i miss all u VAers/MDers except for tsuki and Ek and GER cuz u guys come up here like every freakin week XD
k.. ill check if this shows up on the blog... then if it works ill kno how to post up again. yay. bai bai
posted by Leo Campos at 1:19 AM
Monday, May 20, 2002
Well, I just got home from Clara's house, and I managed to finish my homework over there. She confessed to something very shocking. =P Anyway, my senior pics (the proofs that is) just came in the mail today! =D I'll scan them in later. Anyway...I am...

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?
OMG! I never thought I would get pikachu though. XD Meowage indeed!
Reminds me of the days when I used to be a pokemon scholar. Ever since my pokemon were erased just before the release of pokemon gold and silver, things were never the same... sigh..

What Kind Of Pokemon Are You?
Sunday, May 19, 2002
Don't you hate it when you typed out a really long entry only to find it go *POOF!!!*? Yeah...let me make this short:
My NEW secret mission(s): finish my old secret missions, get Clara ungrounded, find a way to sneak out next weekend to go to Chris's next get-together, get Aku and Tiggs to come along, get Dr.Nick to come along, get Khris and Ian to come along, find a way to get to Canada, and practice baking (that way Sushi doesn't mess up Tiggs's birthday cake o.o;).
A message to those who MIGHT be reading this:
Ian: Thanks for always being there for me! Sushi owes you big time! Sushi loves you very much too! ^-^
Dr.Nick: I haven't seen you in a while. Sniff...noooo! Anyway, hope you recover from that awful cold of yours. >.<
David (White Ice): "It's my turn with him!" "Nuh uh...you're turn was up in 3rd grade!" (from anonymous girls). LOL with David! XD Scary, ne?
Aku: We'll be more than happy to take you the next time we go, of course! =D Oh yeah, yellow's such a pretty color, doncha think? ^_~
Tiggs: We found a Tiggs lookalike! The resemblance is uncanny. Meowage indeed! =^-^= Now...take off your shirt and go put on some black boxers.
Leo: Would you like some Quackums? Tis tastey! =D *hands Leo a box of Quackums and smiles* Anyway, I'll see you at GER's tourney! ^^v
Khris: Ok, when you come over here, I need you to bring some shaving cream, a gallon of salsa, a ruler, maybe a jar-full of toenails and...a rubber ducky. Nono, don't ask questions. In fact, forget everything I said and just come. Yeah yeah. Come. Psst...don't forget to bring Ian along. Oh yeah, bring the kittay. That is all.
Sniff, I miss everyone already.
I am at Tiffy's house at this very moment. Tiggs is right here, along with Tsuki in the basement with me. Tiggs and I...well, actually just me..went to sleep at 5 AM yesterday and woke up at 7 AM to have breakfast. o_o; Yeah, I don't think Tiggs got any sleep last night. Heh, I think it was due to me rolling around too much, along with GER snoring all night. =P Sniff, I had such a horrible dream last night...I think I was crying. I remember a good portion of it actually.
Anyway, moving on...
I'm happy to hear you got my letter, Khris! =D Sushi misses you. ^_~
I have more letters to mail. I started on Dr.Nick's letter, but I had to leave the house before I got a chance to finish it. I need to stamp and mail Ian's letter though. ^^;