Operation Impending Doom 2 is upon on us now!!! Oh, and my name is Kp (Sushi's year older brother). Nice to meet chas!
Saturday, July 27, 2002
Friday, July 26, 2002
Wow, I feel really lazy today. I really don't feel like getting up to clean and do the laundry. >.< Arrghh. Anyways, I'm going to Kings Dominion on Saturday. I wish Christina, Hyper, or Jenna could come. ;__; That way I don't have to be the only girl. I WOULD go to NY with Tiff, but I doubt my parents'll let me.
Man, I haven't seen my school friends in a long time. I miss them...
Thursday, July 25, 2002
I went to Springfield Mall, then Landmark Mall, and then I went to City Place. -.-;
It was fun.
Good night.
I'll take that to heart Aku, thanks... Man that must have hurt, right there *points "there" XD
Hope you don't get affected by it in the long run, glad you're alright.. man never a dull moment.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
henry ford needs to die. oh, wait...
once again, the catlingmobile is out of commission for completely random and as-of-yet undiscerned reasons (idiot bought a domestic car).
i'm far too pissed to type it out. praps later.
Ahhh...kinda scared to go back to Landmark now cause I know I'll get poked. You guys are so mean! ;___; 3 against 1 was NOT cool!
(Everyone starts poking Sushi)
Me: Gahhhh! No more poking! Stop the poking!
Them: Mwehehehe...give me your wallet then. >=)
Me: ;___;
Them: >=D
Me: Keunsoo! HELP! Tell them to leave me alone!
Kp: Jeez. Hold on. I'm busy.
Me: -__-
Yeah, they took my wallet, and saw all the pictures I had in there. Hehehe...Leo, they saw your picture too. =P ::pokes::
It was all in fun though...I'll get them back...
::pokes everyone::
Oh, and "Watch out!" *throws water bottle at the person playing PP(D)* >=D
Random thoughts: Hahahahahahaha! I just remembered something. I had the weirdest dream last night. It had something to do with that guy I saw at Landmark one time when I went to go play Para para. I think he goes by DDRcow on the forums. A really cool guy, I must say. ^_~ I don't know why he was in my dreams! It was funny though cause he kept going "MOO!!!" Ahahahahaha!
Hey Rock! Hey Christina! Welcome! =D
I took this from Christina's journal. Yeah, I'm really bored...
01. fallen for your best friend?: My best friend? You mean Clara? YES! ;D
02. made out w/ JUST a friend?: No.
03. been rejected?: No.
04. been in love?: I...don't...know. Most likely, no.
05. been in lust?: I don't think so. Eh.
06. used someone?: I hope not.
07. been used?: Yes. =/
08. cheated on someone? : No.
09. been cheated on?: No.
10. been kissed?: Yes.
11. done something you regret?: Of course.
12. who was the last person you touched?: Clara! ::touches you:: ^_~
13. you talked to?: Last person I talked to...I guess David.
14. you hugged?: Uhhh...Juan hugged/picked up ME, while I was trying to para para! =P
15. you instant messaged?: A lot of people.
16. you kissed?: None of your business.
17. you had sex with?: Do you have to ask? CLARA!!! ^.~
18. you yelled at?: No one.
19. you laughed with?: They're not laughing WITH me. They're laughing AT me! ;__;
20. you had a crush on?: Someone.
21. who broke your heart?: Ehhhh...no one really.
22. do you colour your hair?: Sometimes.
23. have tattoos?: No.
24. piercings?: o_O Yes. EARS!
25. have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: No.
26. floss daily?: What Christina said. "Damn flossing to hell!" ;D
28. ever get off the damn computer?: Yeah.
29. sprechen sie deutsche?: Huh?
30. habla espanol?: It's 'HablaS espanol?' Si, pero hablo espanol un poco.
31. quack?: DUCKY!!! =D
have you / do you...
32. stolen anything?: Does stealing candy from a dollar store when I was 7 count?
33. smoke?: NO! Grrr... if you smoke... YOU SUCK! >=/
34. smoke pot?: No.
35. crack?: No.
36. drink?: No.
37. been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? Hahahaha...maybe. ;D
38. been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name?: Ahahahaha!
39. posed for nude pics?: ::blushes:: j/k
40. considered a life of crime?: Hmmm...now that I think about it... =P
41. considered being a hooker?: Hmmm...
42. considered being a pimp?: Ek is the pimp, not me. Hehe. j/k
43. split personalities?: I don't know.
44. schizophrenic?: No.
45. obsessive?: About what?
46. compulsive?: No.
47. obsessive compulsive?: No.
48. panic?: No.
49. anxiety?: Sometimes.
50. depressed?: No.
51. suicidal?: No.
52. obsessed with hate?: No.
53. dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: o_O No.
54. dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: No.
55. if you could be anywhere, where would you be?: Italy.
56. who would you be with?: Chandra, Clara, Hilda, and Hana. =D
57. what would you be doing?: Clubbing!
58. what are you listening to?: Nothing. Volume is on mute.
59. can you do anything freakish with your body?: I can make a weird noise with my tongue. Does that count? o_O;
60. chicken or fish?: Both.
61. do you have a favourite animal?: Kittay.
62. is icecream the best thing in the 0world?: No.
63. when we kiss, ooh, fire?: What?
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Dammit Tiggs, I thought you all had an agreement not to use that mr.bean picture thingy... because it was indeed below the belt.. I know the battle was over but still, you don't........... AHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!! x_x Must wash eyes...dirty.... arrgh, dirt not coming off... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Wheres the bathroom sink!! NOOOoooooo~ oh wait thats right, we're remodeling the bathroom.. oh well, I guess i'll have to deal with being blind for a little while.. done it before for psychology class. x_x
Ahhhh! Tiggs, why must you do that?! My eyes! I'll never look at my brother the same way ever again... =P j/k
This is for those of you who don't read my brother's blog (Kp).
Well, orientation was okay. But one thing is for certain, the mystery box MUST DIE! Who would have thought the mystery box Virginia Tech gave us for lunch actually contained poisoned horseshit. Oh well. I'm sure you guys knew that the box was never to be trusted in the first place anyway. After Orientation, I had a weird dream while I was sleeping in the van. I swear, it was the most fucked up dream I've ever had. The whole dream started in a mall that somehow manages to randomly generate rooms everytime we leave and enter a shop. I think it also had some infinite amount of floors. We (My dad, I, Sushi, and Pakman) were just shopping around for stuff when suddenly, the whole dream fast forwards a few hours into the future (although during the dream, the fast forwarding time bit didn't feel awkward at all). After that, we found out that our dad was in hiding after robbing a bank. Yeesh, that sorta came out of nowhere. And thus, we began our journey in the civic to search for our dad and rescue him. (Segment missing). I don't know how this happened but Ek popped out of nowhere and ended up in the back seat of our car. He asked us where our dad was and said that he wanted to catch him (apparently, Ek was the authority figure in this dream). I told him no and asked why would he search for my dad. He responded (and I swear, this was one of the few quotes I remembered so vividly), "Because I'm the motherfucking detective!" (Segment missing). Ek was gone now and somehow, we ended up in the parking lot. (Segment missing). We manage to find our dad (whom by the way was running towards us). He got in the vehicle and we zoomed off. (Segment missing). I don't know how this happened but somehow Ek started chasing us..... ON A SHOPPING CART. I'm not sure how he did it but he was going over a hundred miles on that shopping cart. After a while, he jumped and broke through the window of the car. He then shouted, "I'm going to rape the fuck out of you!" I woke up after that though. And thus, concludes my orientation. Ladies and gentlemen, I think a catscan is in order for me.
Hahahahahahahahaha! My brother's so weird. XD And yes, the mystery box that we got at VA Tech must die!
Oh yeah! Welcome to the Sushi Bar, Ek! We're just a bunch of drunk happy people. ::grins::
Monday, July 22, 2002
I don't think I'm going to Otakon. =( I mean...I would if I had the money and if my parents would let me drive to Baltimore, but I don't see either of that happening so yeah. Oh well! Tralalala... I'm gonna go watch a movie with Juan aka Super Squally Wally cause he doesn't have enough money for Otakon either. I think Sam, Ek, and Christina are coming too. Hurray for the poor people who can't afford to go to one anime convention! ::cheers:: Darn...and I wanted to meet Catling's friend. Then I could give her a buncha cool stuff to give to Catling when she goes back! =D Well, maybe next time.
Ian: you poor thing... don't worry about it, kay? Remember what I told you. =]
And now, brought to you by Catling's log (heh, heh):
Auto response from LalaingSushi (10:11:23 PM): i'm hungry...can i eat you? ::munch munch:::-P
UndyingBoredom (10:11:28 PM): o.o;
UndyingBoredom (10:11:53 PM): only if i get to eat you, too
UndyingBoredom (10:11:58 PM): XD
LalaingSushi (10:23:08 PM): XD
LalaingSushi (10:24:30 PM): deal...
KichigaiTenshi14: I feel satisfied
UndyingBoredom: o_o;
UndyingBoredom: i'm not sure that was something i needed to know
UndyingBoredom (10:34:58 PM): i was just about to set up my away message and go to bed
UndyingBoredom (10:35:25 PM): =/
KichigaiTenshi14 (10:35:30 PM): ::using a pigmy accent:: no bed for you!
UndyingBoredom (10:35:35 PM): o_0
UndyingBoredom (10:35:43 PM): the bed nazi...ehhehehehe
KichigaiTenshi14 (10:35:51 PM): oh my...
UndyingBoredom (10:35:55 PM): XD
UndyingBoredom (10:36:10 PM): you are now...THE BED NAZI! *dun dun dun*
Sorry, Aku...I don't know the answer to that question. =( Just let them have their fun I guess. I think it was suppose to be some sort of inside joke? *shrugs*
Anyways, welcome back Leo! Show me pictures! Lots and lots of pictures (not of nude women please =P)! =D
Sunday, July 21, 2002
![]() I am 61% CANADIAN!!! (Take the Canadian-ness test) |
I think I have you beat Khris >=D
Oh and Leo, wb, may you recover from your jetlag in a short time