Well, I'm gonna talk about yesterday and today. Enjoy!
What do you get when you put 5 crazy asian girls in the same car together?? Answer: total chaos. Wow, Friday was A LOT of fun! It was Nikkie, Anh, Anh's sister, Clara, and me. We're all sexay biatches! ^_~ We went to school to get our final grades, then we went to a Vietnamese restaurant, and then the mall to take pictures! Hmm...I'll scan and post it later. I really stand out in the group photo though. You'll see why. Hehe, in almost all of the pictures, Clara looks like she's about to kill everyone. XD Anyway, I had the best time with them! A lot of name calling and joking around. I forgot how fun it is to hang out with just the girls. We all just went crazy! We were having way too much fun in the car and restaurant, I tell ya! XD The food was yummy too! =O~~~ I lubs them so much...especially Anh! ^.~ ::touches Anh:: Oh yeah! So sexay! XD
Saturday (today):
Again, today I got to hang out with just the girls! =D Soooo much fun! We went to Bamboo Buffet to celebrate Hana's birthday, and then we went over to her house to watch movies and pig out some more. Oink. I got to hang out with Hana, Clara, Fanta, Bonita, Noin, and Martha. Wow, craziness I tell ya! I haven't had this much fun in a LONG time. Yeah, as much as I love the DDRers...I just can't be myself around them. Anyway, I still have to take some more pictures with Hana, Hilda, Christina, and Tiffany. I know I'm gonna take pictures with Tiffany and Christina this week. Yayage!
Oh yeah, Jeff came over to my house to sell us knives! AHAHAHAHAHA!
::yawns:: so exhausted... ::hops onto the bed:: mmmm....comfy...
Saturday, June 15, 2002
Well just got back from city place, finally while it was working :\ I tried to go earlier, but I had to go to my friend's fairwell party cause he's joinin' the marines in a couple of weeks, and then after about an hour I zoomed over to cp. When I got there, Pakman, Aku, and Ryu were there already, Tsuki also came by later and we all went over to the tastee diner, mmmm omlete (Why does it look like I spelled it wrong...? oh yeah... thats right summer.. -_- ) anyway yeah, went back to cp for a couple games, and then I got a ride to the metro and then here I am. Oh and i was bored so.....
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Wow! Go Leo! I'm gonna have to come see you perform then, won't I? ^_~ Congrats!
My day:
Yes...I better blog this now before I forget. Anyway, I woke up at 8 to get ready for Kp's graduation, took a taxi to D.C. because his grad was taking place in the Constitution Hall, bought some flowers, and then sat down. If you watch the video, you'll find me complaining about being hungry for most of the time. -_-; Surprisingly, I saw Gilda, Chae Wha, and Ehab there, along with some graduating seniors of course. It was nice seeing them one last time. =) Afterwards, we went out to eat lunch, and I got to eat sushi! Anyway, I'm feeling really full right now...and I just wanna roll over and fall asleep.
I have so many over-due books...it's not even funny, and I have to pay the George Mason library quite a bit dinero. Oh yeah, I lost my Spanish book (or it got stolen...not sure) so now I have to go back to school *shivers* and pay them $44.22.
I'm broke...
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
i auditioned for a musical yesterday for a summer drama workshop... today they posted up the casting
i got 'Travis'
were doing FootLoose.... like that movie Kevin Bacon did.. i dunno what my character really is tho.. ill figure it out soon enough. Opening nite is August 1st! come and see me XD
Graduation practice is hell i tells ya, it almost wants me want to go to class instead of it.well since thats over with, yay for graduation tomorrow, then i'll truly be free!! YAHOOO!! i'd go to springfield to celebrate, but.. i'm just too tired, and i think dinner with family is in order for after graduation, and then theres the all night grad party.. yeah i'll be tired alright, as if i wasn't already tired.. -_-ZZZzzzzzz
Oh and sushi, um.. instead of doodling for the whole summer, go doodling at springfield or city place, i'll come get you if i have to! XD
LOL at Aku!
Anyway, no more school for me! WOO!!! I would talk about my day...but I can't remember what I did yesterday, today, and I probably won't remember tomorrow either. No, it's not that I have a horrible memory. La la la...
Hmmm...I think I'll just doodle for the rest of the summer. =P I'm gonna go get some more art supplies today.
Oh yeah, I'm going to my brother's graduation tomorrow!
That is all...
Tuesday, June 11, 2002

The Final Fantasy Girl you relate witht the most!
brought to you by ka-chan

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela
Ahhh! =D You know, it seems like I can always go to Ian when I need advice or help. ^-^ Thanks a bunch!
Yes, girls are confusing. I should know... =(
Just for the heck of it...here's another quiz I took.
What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela
Oh yeah, I was singing along with the song Leo was singing. =P Yeah, that's right...I memorized the lyrics to that song.
Monday, June 10, 2002
If any of u ever wondered what is was like to hear leo sing.... knock yourself out
its from lunar silver star story
Uh well with those IB classes, you've learned your lesson.. don't take'em your last year, its only gonna get worse.. *pat pat You have to take it easy your senior year, I had enough trouble getting though the classes I was in this year, sure I'm lazy, but thats besides the point ^^;
Once again I can't thank you enough for coming with me to prom, I had a really good time, even though prom itself kinda sucked.. -_-
In any case yeah, and DDG woah, I haven't laughed that much at a movie in ages, I must express my graditude to you leo for that. Huzzah for Shaolin Soccer! Funniest movie... ever. I was also glad to get my ddr fix in over there with the ddr and dwi. But because they were on home pads... my feet and legs hurt a lot, I'm just not used to that much abuse to my feet without any support like shoes, either way, much fun.
Tiggs.. wish you were there.. its kinda strange how this is the one party that you couldn't come to, yet... I was able to go, out of all those other parties that you went to that i was not there for...... :X Guess theres really no explaination for that... or is there? >XD *shrugs
zZzZzzzzZzz~ snooze~
I stayed up last night studying for my finals. >.< Eep! I would've done it over the weekend, but naw. I took my history and english finals today. *shivers* I hate IB classes. NEVER take IB classes. EVER! It's not worth it. I had to do this oral presentation with Ahn for my IB History of the Americas class today. Guess what we had to do our presentation on? Yup, that's right! The Mexican Revolution! Again... oh well, we were the only ones that got a 100%. XP Mwehehehe. I really needed that A too. Yeah, I've been slacking off in History a lot towards the end of the year. Ack! Why am I talking about school instead of my weekend?! Silly me. ^.^; Just 2 more days!
This weekend was a lot of fun! Here goes:
I went to school first, of course. Afterwards, Clara took me to this dancing place (a school of some sort) and we joined the aerobics class for a day. Twas fun! The instructor was really pretty. ^-^
Prom day!
First Chris, David, and Ek showed up at my house. We all went to SFmall together, picking up Aku and Clara on the way. Everyone left for the preparty. Clara and I (we stayed behind) took pictures that day! Dr.Nick stopped by the mall in a tux! =O Awww... ^__^ I wasn't even dressed up yet. o_O; Anyway, Dr.Nick was kind enough to wait for us while we were getting our pictures taken. We headed back to my house, and I quickly got dressed and did my hair..blah blah blah. We dropped Clara off back home, and we headed out to dinner! Food was yummy! =)~~ Then we got to the actual prom kinda late. o.O; I got a chance to meet a few good friends of his, and then we took pictures...and then I started to la la away. XD Late at night, we were watching Kiss of the Dragon at my house...and I started to la la again. -_-; It was a lot of fun though! =D
I went to DDG, and gave Tsuki her present! =D
I smell like Leo. ^_~ I miss you again... ::bites you:: Take that! XD
i had a really great weekend...
u can read all about it in my live journal