Ahh...I might go watch SpideY Man today. =D So far I'm going with Tiggs, Aku, Christina, Tiffany, Chris, David, Chris's uncle, and my brothers maybe. Wow, Tiggs is right. Without the parties we're all just bored...hmm...but that gives me a chance to work on that secret mission. >=D
Uh oh...gotta go. =X
Saturday, May 04, 2002
Friday, May 03, 2002
Ahh...I have seen every episode of Fushigi Yuugi (not The Mysterious Play -_-;) including the OVAs. A little too mushy for my taste, especially towards the end. Don't even get me started on the OVAs. I like the beginning though. Neverending Story anyone? =P
Moving on...
Didn't really do anything special today. I got my Thumbnail sketches for the CD cover finished today. Phew. Eh...I already finished the video box, but i still have to mat the video box cover and the movie poster. I didn't really enjoy making it though. =/ I dunno... I like fine art more than commercial art, but that's just me I guess. Oh yeah, today, this man was looking through my (incomplete) portfolio and sketch book, and commented on how I had an eye and talent for art...and then started blabbering about how I could get very far with my "talent" and even further if I develope it even more. o.O I'm like..wha... ugh...I hate it when people look through my sketch book without asking. _-_
I know it's silly, but I take it very personally if you just grab my sketch book away from me and then go NYAHHH, thinking it's funny. >=/ I'm so sick of that. That reminds me! I need to buy a new one cause I'm running out of paper in my old one. o.o;
- Khris is taking me to Canada! =D
D7ddr: forget NJ
D7ddr: =)
LiLBunnyGirl: canada! =D
D7ddr: yes!
- Jeff keeps mooing at me...
Azn IceDragon02: MOO
Oh yeah! Take a look at this! =P
Sushi is connected to Virginia because...
sushi is connected to cherry:
Neneh Cherry recorded an album called Raw Like Sushi.
cherry is connected to virgin:
if you 'popped her cherry,' you deflowered her
virgin is connected to virginia:
You can't spell "Virginia" without "Virgin"
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Before I go to sleep, here are a few quizzes I took:
Hehe...I'm a watermelon. =P
![]() Take the test here!! Made by Jenna and Robbie.
Here's another one. Night night everyone! ^.^v
My thoughts are gonna jump around a little...so...just..deal with it. =P
Lets see...what did I do today? Well, I woke up REALLY late today. Haha...the first thing that popped up in my mind when I woke up was "*yawn* num num...sleepy... AWW CRAP!!! The cover! The planner! AHHH!!! *runs to computer*" The deadline's today. ^^; I thought I did a pretty craptastic job too! *grins* Yay me! Oh well, my computer graphics teacher loved it for some odd reason. o.O Anyway, I've been working on that "secret mission" for quite some time now. I really should finish it. Ack! School work and other stuff keeps getting in the way though.
Hmmm...I'm gonna go visit Virginia Tech on the 15th of July. Yay! Something to keep me busy during the summer. That's the college my brother's going to. ^.^v
You know what? I've noticed something about myself...I've been looking like a bum lately. Yeah, well..when you don't get enough sleep and your teachers pile a crap load of homework/projects/papers, you're not gonna have time to put on makeup or pick out an outfit. Pfft...all I have time for now is a quick shower, a change of clothes, and an orange in the morning.
Oh yeah! Someone suggested that I run off to Canada instead. =P
Back to studying...bleh..government.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
ARGGHHH! I was in such a pissy mood today...yeah, that's what happens when you stay in school longer than you have to. Sigh, I really need to bring my grades up this quarter. Anyway, something in the mail that came for me really brightened my day! =D It was a package from Khris! What do I find when I open it? A ring, a bunch of kittAy pictures, and a card from both Ian and him! XD Thank you sooo much! I lubs you guys! ^-^ I'll write you guys tonight, kay?
Moving on...
My brother got really fed up with some people...umm..yeah.. although, I did find that whole SSR thing a little funny (yet disturbing o.O). ^^; Haha, about the whole kidnapping thing...too late! XD Sniff...Clara's gonna smack me for saying this (cause she heard it like a thousand times before), but I miss NJ and uhh..yeah... =X
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
I hurt people all the time. I'm so fickle too. I don't know what to do anymore. Sigh...I'm sorry Trae. Sorry you had to put up with my bs. Sorry for everything really... I like someone else...
Anyway, I got a chance to talk to Tiggs, and I learned something about him I never knew about. Thanks for listening to me btw ^-^. It's usually hard for me to talk about this kind of stuff to guys. I also talked to George. I hope he knows that there are those who really do care about him.
Well...that's it for now...night...
Hmmm...I should really get my work done, yah? Anyway, everyone's been asking me who I like. Ahhh! It's funny everyone asked at the same time. Hmmm...that's strange. Why does everyone have to be so nosy?! XD Well, I belong to no one...and I would rather keep it that way for a while. Yup. Tiffy and Christina asked me if I liked David or Angelo, and the answer to that question was no of course. Clara asked me if I liked Tiggs, Jeff, and again David. The answer is no. No, I don't like them in that way. Out of all the guys, I think Trae is the most understanding one. He's like that perfect guy I would have fallen for a long time ago...but what timing... My heart is leaning towards someone else. Ack! Sigh...
*cough cough* *sniff sniff* AHHHCHUUUUU!!! I think I'm getting sick... la la la la...
Anyway, everyone's starting to worry about Jeff. Yeah...he's really pissed. While I was napping for once instead of chatting, Clara called me twice cause Jeff told her to to tell me to go on AIM. She said that he needed to talk to me...aiya...I wanted to sleep. Well, I went on, and found out that he practically blocked everyone except me. Yeah, that really shows how pissed off he was. He started talking about how Tiffy was evil and such, and I tried to calm him down...but knowing Jeff...it didn't work. I can tell he's a really nice guy, but he doesn't show it. Every time I say something nice his reply would be "eh" or "wutever" haha if anyone ever talked to him, you'd laugh too.
Ack! I have a dilemma right now! Ok...Trae asked me to go to the beach with him this Saturday, but I also promised Jeff that I would go to the movies with him on the same day. Ack! [edit] never mind...I'm not gonna go to the movies with Jeff. He's going on Thursday. Phew... [/edit]
I hate hurting people's feelings, and I tend to ignore or avoid the guy if I know he likes me. It makes me go erk whenever they try to hold/touch/hug me. You'll get nothing from me...soo...stop trying. Sushi is unattainable, I say! XD Besides, I like *cough* someone else. There are so many other girls better than me anyway. Go bother them. =P
Oh no! Ek's party is on Saturday too! Actually, if the party ends up being at Angelo's house...then I'm not going. Why? Cause he keeps telling everyone, "ok...I'm not gonna invite you and you and you and you..." He's not inviting Tiffany, and I find that rude because she let him sleep over at her house for the party even though they don't get along. Plus, Tiffany's like a sister to me...
Eh...I don't feel like typing anymore...
Monday, April 29, 2002
I forgot it was my birthday today until Ian emailed me. ^^;; Heh...thanks for remembering! *muwah!!!*
Anyway, today wasn't that great a day. I kept falling asleep in all of my classes...yeah, that's nothing new. =P Anyway, I got annoyed in Computer Graphics class today. Grrr... you would think that people would leave me alone, yah? Well...no...this girl kept telling me that I was doing this and that wrong. I betcha she felt pretty stupid after my teacher told her that SHE was the one making all of the mistakes. Also, my friend kept bugging me to take pictures with her when I was obviously busy with other work. I had to stop in the middle of what I was doing (which involved rubber cement) just cause she didn't wanna go alone. Sigh...oh well...
Anyway, I had some pretty interesting convos with a couple of people today. Here's part of it... =P
Jeff and me:
Azn IceDragon02: eh
Azn IceDragon02: im bored
LiLBunnyGirl: *pat pat*
Azn IceDragon02: *poke*
LiLBunnyGirl: ahhh!
Azn IceDragon02: *bop on the head*
LiLBunnyGirl: /runs
Azn IceDragon02: *hand cuffs u to tree*
Azn IceDragon02: HA
Azn IceDragon02: cant run now
Azn IceDragon02: *bops on head again*
LiLBunnyGirl: ROAR! XD
Azn IceDragon02: *bop*
Azn IceDragon02: *bop*
Azn IceDragon02: *bop*
LiLBunnyGirl: *ducks*
Azn IceDragon02: *grabs pillow*
Azn IceDragon02: king size
Azn IceDragon02: haha
LiLBunnyGirl: ahhh!
Azn IceDragon02: *swing*
LiLBunnyGirl: =O
Azn IceDragon02: *smack*
LiLBunnyGirl: you missed!
LiLBunnyGirl: XD
Azn IceDragon02: *smack*=hit
LiLBunnyGirl: you hit the tree 0=]
Azn IceDragon02: fine
Jeff found a restaurant...
Azn IceDragon02: haha
Azn IceDragon02: i hafta look thru a list of restaurants and check the fone numbers
Azn IceDragon02: and there sushi ninja here
Azn IceDragon02: hahahahahahahaha
LiLBunnyGirl: o.O
Azn IceDragon02: sushi ninja!!!
Azn IceDragon02: hahahahahaaha
LiLBunnyGirl: nuh uh!
LiLBunnyGirl: liar! XD
Azn IceDragon02: Sushi Ninja
1331 Rockville Pike Ste D
Rockville MD 20852-1444 301-309-0043
LiLBunnyGirl: -.-;
Azn IceDragon02: ha
Azn IceDragon02: ooooo
Azn IceDragon02: we can go there after the movie!!!
Azn IceDragon02: HAHAHAHAHA
Azn IceDragon02: YEA!!!!
LiLBunnyGirl: XD
LiLBunnyGirl: lol
Tiggs and me:
snyprtygr: dont bash me because you hate me, bash me because im beautiful with white toe nails
LiLBunnyGirl: XD
LiLBunnyGirl: lol
LiLBunnyGirl: Azn IceDragon02: tell him hes stupid
LiLBunnyGirl: ^^;;
LiLBunnyGirl: me: aye aye
snyprtygr: ahhh
snyprtygr: thats me
LiLBunnyGirl: hmm?
snyprtygr: ive been called weird, strange, crazy, and most definatly stupid, like every day since 1st grade
LiLBunnyGirl: *pat pat*
snyprtygr: *woof*
Enough of that... =P
I think Khris is done with his secret mission, no? ^_~ I still have to finish mine...aiya...it's taking me forever. Hmm, I think I'll write a letter tonight. =D
Message to everyone reading this: <33333333333333 FREEZE HEARTS! XD