UndyingBoredom: what is kee sah??
Nabby: every princess has one
UndyingBoredom: ummm
UndyingBoredom: ...a nice rack?
UndyingBoredom: dunno
Nabby: so you're my nice rack?
UndyingBoredom: ...
Nabby: ^^
UndyingBoredom: I AM A BOOB
UndyingBoredom: XO
Friday, August 02, 2002
Catling, you must watch Invader Zim! =D
For some reason, Gaz reminds me of Christina. Don't ask why! "Dib drank the last soda... HE WILL PAY!!!" Oh, and yes, Christina and I are dating. We're going to the movies together this Saturday ALONE. ::wink wink:: ;D
Professor Membrane (maybe Gir too) reminds me of Tiggs. o_o; Take that as a compliment, Tiggy. =P
Khris, you're feeling lonely? I'll be right over then. ^^;;
Anyways, I left the house yesterday...and I didn't come back until this morning. Kp and I went to Tiffy and Chris's house, and we saw David and the little girl (also known as 'Big Butt') there. Later on that day, I went to Tiffy's hair stylist to get my hair cut. Tiff's mom and Big Butt came along. Michelle did a great job! Yeah...my hair's kinda short now. I guess you can say it looks almost like Christina's. I like my hair short though. Well, I spent the rest of the day hanging out at Tiff's house and listening to Bounma's stories, which was very amusing. =P We watched a couple of movies, and I got a chance to talk to Tiffany and Bounma about a lot of things. Kp sat there all night playing Bounma's RPG, David spent most of his time arguing with Big Butt, and Chris was probably downstairs playing RO. Kp and I left the next morning around 10:40 I think. Yeah...
Thursday, August 01, 2002
In response to Christina's post.... is that so? Well we're gonna strap you into a chair, force your eyes open and make you watch Invader Zim, and you're gonna like it too! :P

Invader Zim Quiz v2.0 @ Space Monkey Mafia
Zim: GIR? What's the G stand for?
GIR: I...don't...know..... *bangs head* whhhheeeeeeeee heheheheheheeheheh wheeeeeeheeheeheheeheh

Invader Zim Quiz v2.0 @ Space Monkey Mafia
YES! Can I be a Mongoose dog?
Anyways, yeah...Tiggs's family and mine are too alike. Our houses smell like fish!
Ian, I know exactly how you feel. *Cough* I'll talk to you about it later. =P
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
Hmmm...I've been listening to some stuff by Do As Infinity, and it's really starting to grow on me. Van is so pretty, and she has a very soothing voice. I think I'll buy their CD. ^^;;
Arrghh, my mom, being the most responsible adult that she is (rolls eyes), left food out on the kitchen counter (as usual)...and since I wasn't here to put it up immediately, ants came marching into our kitchen, and I was like WTF! Well, since I couldn't find any bug spray, I had to improvise....
Hur, guess what I used instead of bug spray? Yup! That's right! AIR FRESHENER SPRAY! b^-^
I spent the entire morning cleaning the kitchen because I don't wanna end up using my air freshener of death attack on the ants again. -__-
I wish my mom wouldn't make more work for me. I mean, I know she works hard, and she's tired from work and such, but I just want her to take care of the little stuff...such as putting her socks in the laundry, putting away whatever she took out of the fridge, tying the bread back up so it won't get stale, putting her bag away when she comes home, putting her nail polish away, putting the trash into the trash can...etc. I consider my mom one of the guys. =P Yeah, I have to be the clean freak in the family because the rest of my family members are slobs. I lubs them though anyways! I would ask Kp to help me out...but he doesn't know how to clean. *narf*
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Anyways, I'm gonna cut my hair this Thursday. Yeah, it took me forever to grow it out this long...but it's so hard to take care of! -__-; Well, I spent yesterday and today with Tiffy, Chris, Mikey, Francis, Bounma, my brother, and David ^-^. I love hanging out with them! Bounma's stories rock! Hahaha...want some juice? It's fresh squeezed! ;D
Oh btw...Hi I'm Sushi, and I am THE best driver! XD Mwehehehe...
Monday, July 29, 2002
i got to play ddr on the hardest difficulty level today. we just had a tourney, so one of the arcade employees was turning the difficulty back up and autofail off. i told him they should turn it all the way up, so he let me play one game on level 8. when i failed the first song, he turned it back down to 5.
i really think it should be on 8. i'm tired of half-assing everything and passing it, even if it is a ghetto 5th mix upgrade. i'm also tired of having the worst pa/combo of any of the 'expert' players around here.
that is my rant. goodnight.