I'm at VA Tech right now with my brother. Again. Don't ask why I'm here. It's a long story, and I'll explain later. Oh yeah! Tiggy's here too! =D Sorry to Clara and David for canceling my other plans I made with them. I promise I'll try to see you on Sunday. =(
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Which X/1999 characters are you?
Quiz made by Chesa
Sigh... i wanna go to springfield right now!!!!! ;\ grr I don't wanna go to the temple ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! _-_ ok off I go again to lift heavy objects.
Friday, September 06, 2002
Well, it's finally Friday. This has been the longest short week ever.
David has been very sick lately. =( At first, everyone thought it was Athralgia (that's what the doctor said). David later appears to seem fine after a week or two, and starts hanging out with us again. A week after his "recovery" he gets sick once again. This time it's mono, short for mononucleosis. I'm sure almost everyone knows the prominent symptoms for mono, which includes headaches, sore throat, flu-like symptoms, and extreme tiredness and exhaustion. I just hope David gets better soon, and hopefully not rupture his spleen. I also hope I don't end up getting it...now that I think about it, I already might have it. I just hope that me being dog-tired all the time lately is from my lack of sleep and schoolwork...not mono. =/
::whimpers:: ;__; WHY??!!
Thursday, September 05, 2002
The funniest happened today! I was working on the banners with this one other Korean girl during FLEX in Leadership class, and we were just talking about ourselves, and asking questions. Guess what she said.
"You should hang out with more FOBs."
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! No no. That's not the best one! One of her questions went like this. "Are you more of a Twinkie or FOB?" When she said that, I just had the 'what the beep' expression on my face. Well, according to David, I'm an egg just like him. =P Man, all this talk about food's making me hungry. Twinkies, eggs, and even a FOB sounds tastey. =)~
Well, I'm gonna get started on my homework early. See...this way I'm free the whole weekend! =D
I'm making banners in leadership class for the school. Got high off the markers today. Wheee!
I feel lazy right now...so I'll leave you with that.
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
Long day....
Lets see. I had an okay day I guess. From 1 - 10, I give my day a 2.38. Wait a minute. I guess that means that my day sucked. I want out of school NOW. It's not the schoolwork or classwork or teachers that are driving me crazy. The problem has to do with my peers and...and...everything else that involves my school (except for what was mentioned before). Not that anyone's actually mean to me. There's just this aura/feeling/atmosphere in certain classes of mine that makes me feel uncomfortable. This is where I go back to my old self...my quiet self. In Leadership class, I feel like I don't belong. It's hard to explain. The only reason why I'm taking that course is because of Hana. She doesn't want to be alone, and well...I don't want to leave her alone either. Dammit! Why did I get stuck with the Freshmen elections?! >=/ Leadership isn't my thing, but I guess I'll get use to it soon enough. Awww man. Now I have to get up in front of the entire Freshmen class, and talk about the elections. Oh, and did I mention that I hate anything and everything that has to do with speaking/presenting in front of a huge (or even small) audience. Ugh. I hate Leadership! I don't want to clean up after school dances. I don't want to go to the stupid Freshmen meetings. And I especially don't want to talk in front of the entire school about something I absolutely don't know or care about.
What's making my first few days of school even worse are my allergies. My lips are swollen, and it hurts to smile, talk, eat, and laugh. Apparently, I'm allergic to something that I ate or put on. It could've been fruit, toothpaste, or makeup (I doubt it...since I rarely put it on).
Oh! Did I mention that it's that time of the month! What a great day!
Other than all of this. Everything's fine and dandy like candy. Mmmm...candy.
Full of crap,
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Well, I just got back from school. Nothing special. Man...school just started, but I already feel like slacking off. Of course, I have to do well this year. No more procrastinating!
Ms.Rice, my English teacher is...weird (it can be a good thing...??). You know Zim and Dib's teacher from Invader Zim (I forgot her name)? Yeah. That's all you need to know. She kept going on and on about how cameras are everywhere, and they're watching us. Watching...always. Always. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she starts going on about how we're all doomed...DOOOOOMED!!! o_O;
Anyways, I'm gonna get started on my extra credit assignments and my espaƱol homework.
~Mushi Sushi out =D
Monday, September 02, 2002
So much has happened this summer. I love all the new friends I made. Over the summer, we all became close friends...in fact, we're like a family (sorta =P). Heh, some of them ARE my family. Anyways, I hope that we'll all still be very good friends, even though the summer's coming to an end. Whether you're going to middle school, high school, college, or getting a job, I just wanna wish everyone good luck! Oh yeah, don't forget to have fun every now and then. ^_~
Sunday, September 01, 2002
You are 26% geek | |
![]() | You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.
You are 37% geek | |
![]() | You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.